Daily Archives: January 16, 2012

Whig’s Defeat

Here’s an example of a quilt that makes my heart beat fast, fast, fast. I see this and I think “Yes!”  “Yes!”  “Yes!”

I want to be the quilter that could piece this block. Okay, maybe I could piece it and with my second effort at appliqué proving fruitful I probably could actually do it. Of course it’s a quilt – not a block – and making this entire beauty, well, I think I know my limits. Boredom sets in when working on the same pattern and the same colors over and over. I know that. So I’ll just sit back and daydream.

You can read about this particular  Whig’s Defeat here and see the various up close pics. It’s amazing and for sale.

Still… who knows. I love quilting. I don’t mind getting distracted. Shucks, I found this on Pinterest!


Just to note I’m not totally flaking off I sewed down the binding on a quilt yesterday. The process was fraught with obstacles but I kept my head down and got it done. I cut 18-20 cheddar bow ties. I worked on my appliqué (yippieeeee its going well) and continuing progress on my Carpenter’s Wheel quilt.  Oh and I went grocery shopping today which lately I’ve found enjoyable and that’s a big change for another post. …oh and lest I forget the Pink Lemonade QAL and my Cotton Club blocks. Well, I can’t do it all. There’s tomorrow.