Author Archives: *karendianne.

Hearing from Me

Oh I’m around. I’ve appreciated hearing from you and right now I wanted you to hear from me. I wanted you to know I’ve been playing with fabric, a rare event, and when I dove in started thinking of you. That’s all really. I’m thinking of you.


I did a little slicing and dicing while listening to some good-for-me music on Amazon. If you have an Amazon Prime membership have you checked out the music? I really enjoy the selections so far.  If you did check it out, I hope you liked it.



I’ve always enjoyed stacks and piles. This particular pile made me happy. I have this project out so the white with pink polka dot is near. I used a bit and it reminded me of how Liz  (Scrap Basket) made such the effort to get that for me. There’s a Bonnie H. finish on her blog that’s pretty cool – check it out.


Back over here my time ended with these little diamonds and the start of an idea I ultimately bagged. I’m moving onto something the same just different colorway and scale. Possibly or maybe I was just playing today only and that was still cool.

I really just wanted to jump in and say hello because I thought of you today. My health is good,  my life has been the usual ups and downs. You know, unicorns and rainbows in one area and “where’s the wine?” in other areas.

But again, I just wanted to let you know I was thinking of you.

Be Well, *karendianne.


A Loss at Leehaven





She loved to snuggle on a quilt and read.


Kipling would often put her in her place. She was the sort of cat that needed some whoop ass from time to time.


And this cracked me up. It’s as if she’s saying “Whew, last night the partying was outrageous!”


And here she’s just the queen.

Kricket was a cool little cat. She could break into anything and she did. I had to cat-proof all sorts of areas. She opened cabinets and doors. Oh man. She was a handful. Then of course she and Kanga didn’t get along. That was difficult at times but I sure loved her. She was extremely smart, totally hilarious and had me wrapped around her finger. I mean to the point where I would carry her around with me from room to room. She loved that and I did, too.  Heck, it was an opportunity to embrace my inner crazy cat lady.

Then Friday morning she was significantly weak, couldn’t lift herself into the litter box or jump up on anything but showed no signs of pain or injury. So off to the Vet we went and came home with an initial diagnosis of a blood disorder. The weekend was a sad slog with details to skip over here but by Monday she was much worse. We returned to the Vet and nothing good came of it. I had to let her go. I brought her home and she’s buried in the back yard right outside the kitchen window.

Alabama Beauty Blocks in Cheddar

Okay yes it’s cheddar, you knew it would be. What would you do if someone sent you some yummy toile and very neat navy background (thank you Kathie Holland) that completely worked? You’d just have to dive in or maybe you’d plan. I didn’t plan. All I did was took one of my favorite blocks and paired it with one of my favorite fabric combinations. It had to work, right?  Sorta…


In this setting, the toile blocks should be the same. Navy and Toile set diagonal from each other and the more flat cheddars opposing diagonals but I didn’t think about that at all. I got what I got which is out of balance unless I’m making placemats.


So I messed around with a different setting to see if I can get away with it like it is
P1016951and probably I can but really, it’s not workin’ for me quite yet. I can probably fix it if I made a couple more blocks but the navy is about gone and I’m pretty sure that cheddar toile is all used up. This is asking me to really stretch my creativity. I dunno…

Maybe they’ll be just 2 placemats or 4 with one block centered.  Bummer. You got any ideas?