Author Archives: *karendianne.

Pink, Cheddar Status and Paint

photo-6I’m doing some last minute fixing on my Carpenter Wheel quilt then I think I’m about ready to finish applying the borders. Maybe this next week we can move my machine into the other room so I can start sewing?! In the meantime I’m working on keeping other stuff moving (it’s so great to be doing stuff) and then suddenly I got hit upside my spirit and pink 30’s HST’s had to be made. Don’t know why. Just did. So here they are and by gosh they’re happy. Probably I’ll make more. HST’s make me high.

Also in the news, Inklingo has a new star. called the Inklingo Star 9 inch and it uses the Kite shape plus it makes an additional 18″ block that’s really cool. Just thought you should know.

Watercolor Life

I’m going to share just a little bit here. Watercolor painting is fast becoming a fixture in my life but not so much that I don’t have a life. It’s so many things I can’t begin to tell you but I can share. I considered making a second blog but (1) I don’t have much to share of interest yet and (2) it’s too much work. I’ll just slide the watercolors in after the other stuff.


Paintings from Workshop. The image detail comes to life if you click for close up but you get the idea. No one was finished here and we’re all working on filling out our palm trees.

I’ve been painting, learning, playing and practicing.

As a matter of fact I feel I’ve practiced enough I can go back to finishing my palm trees and make the final touches on my own Workshop painting.

This was what I brought home:


and this is what I added just to my trees recently:


Here I’m filling in the trees a bit.

I know it’s hard to see but if you click or if you step back you can see a little bit of glow added to the trunk of the first palm tree and a few thin, wispy fronds. Also, …work with me here a bit…my trees make a sort of V shape in height. Just at the bottom of the V can you see where I made one of my tree’s look like a sort of tarantula. Not everyone can see it but I can. Honestly I saw that and I totally cracked up. I love it. “It’s a painting, not a picture” and maybe some palm trees are tarantulaish!

Until later,  *kdlee.

Borders and a Sale

So you know now I’m getting into Watercolors. Oh y’all I have OMG so much to learn and dontcha know it, just like Quilting you need a few start up items. Pricey but I do have fabric.  Loads of it actually. So I thought I might start selling a bit of what I’m not ever going to use. Please see the Sale Items Tab at the top of my Blog, alongside Home – A Bit of My Work if you’re interested.

I actually have been doing some sewing.  What you’re seeing is my Carpenter’s Wheel quilt on my bed being analyzed. You know, where you look at our quilt and decide to stop or add. I’m realizing this quilt doesn’t need a border. It’s a fine size.

That’s nice but you know I want a border so I ended up going with the same fabric as the setting triangles.

It troubles me at first, all that cheddar.



So I thought a black stop border, just a tiny one. I unsewed and mocked it up.


And I visualized how that might look (you have to use your imagination here)


Once I looked at that 6.5″ border I realized this would be just fine w/o that black stop border. Perfect really. Then something came up and this is as far as I got but the borders are cut thanks to the kindness of a friend.


It’s All New

We’re having one of those Florida afternoon rainstorms. I love this rain with the wind going sideways just a little bit. Kind of like me. Sideways just a little bit. 🙂

I was thinking after my last post how great it was to hear from all of you. Even if you didn’t leave a note I sense you’re here and I appreciate it.

So I wanted to mention that, to let you know how great that was and to say thank you.

Anyway, back to the rain. Do you notice that makes you want to curl up and read? I do and since it rains here a lot lately I could go right there. But I’m doing new things and distracted and falling behind.

As you might imagine after my last post, I spend time working with watercolors. It’s all new so you know the setup is funky, you don’t know what you need, you don’t know how you like it, and you learn as you go. It takes time. But when you’re putting in that effort and overcoming the “rookie moves” check-in. Look at your work and see if you’re happy with it? I can honestly say today I had fun (I also had a plan so that probably helped) and I was happy with the way things were going. I’m in the right place with it.

And that’s all great but y’all, would you look at this:



and this


So it’s nice the painting and all but it looks like I have been hiding from something! Try to find a photo in there!
