Category Archives: Friendship

Hearing from Me

Oh I’m around. I’ve appreciated hearing from you and right now I wanted you to hear from me. I wanted you to know I’ve been playing with fabric, a rare event, and when I dove in started thinking of you. That’s all really. I’m thinking of you.


I did a little slicing and dicing while listening to some good-for-me music on Amazon. If you have an Amazon Prime membership have you checked out the music? I really enjoy the selections so far.  If you did check it out, I hope you liked it.



I’ve always enjoyed stacks and piles. This particular pile made me happy. I have this project out so the white with pink polka dot is near. I used a bit and it reminded me of how Liz  (Scrap Basket) made such the effort to get that for me. There’s a Bonnie H. finish on her blog that’s pretty cool – check it out.


Back over here my time ended with these little diamonds and the start of an idea I ultimately bagged. I’m moving onto something the same just different colorway and scale. Possibly or maybe I was just playing today only and that was still cool.

I really just wanted to jump in and say hello because I thought of you today. My health is good,  my life has been the usual ups and downs. You know, unicorns and rainbows in one area and “where’s the wine?” in other areas.

But again, I just wanted to let you know I was thinking of you.

Be Well, *karendianne.


Inspiration in the Mailbox!

Hi friends. Hope everyone is doing great. I’m alive, upright and doing a few things. Haven’t had much success blogging. Totally blocked, no inspiration but I think that’s fixed! I mean, I’ve got something to share.

Look at what a Treasured friend sent to my mailbox…


This is my new favorite pincushion! Love the button, too. The card is uplifting and happy and the fabric is a nice piece that reads texture. Thanks a million times over Terry for your kind heart! What a great gal and a happy quilter you are.

Friends Rock! Friends like every one of you that reached out to me over the past months to check and see if I was alive or the friends like you that are here today cruzin’ by. I’m smiling back atcha. *karendianne.


Various Talents of Friends

Yesterday was a sew day and friends, I brought my camera.

Ruth is working on this wool project. I love the variety of threads she using. As you probably know, often you’ll see this work with all black thread but here she’s matching and/or highlighting. To my eye, this is nothing but pretty.

Here we have a classic finish by Klasina. This pattern is contagious and shared between many of the quilters. I’m enjoying watching that. The sharing of inspiration. Its just like what we bloggers do. We catch lots of stuff, don’t we?

I have to share this with you for a couple of reasons. It’s just pretty. Very pretty. Classic. My heart loves cross stitch but…nope. The other reason to share is Carol. She’s the gal working on this. I tell ya, she has the most wonderful energy. I just love her. She is just one of those people. She’s a retired school teacher. I’ll bet she was an awesome teacher – you just get that feeling. You know, I’ve known her sister-in-law since I started quilting and she’s always been good to me. I reckon that whole family is just good people.

As a quick aside, I woke up yesterday and the pain I’ve been having was cut by like 75%. That’s a huge, sudden decline/remission. 108 x 108 huge!!! It’s cool to experience the truth that with God “all things are possible.”