Hearing from Me

Oh I’m around. I’ve appreciated hearing from you and right now I wanted you to hear from me. I wanted you to know I’ve been playing with fabric, a rare event, and when I dove in started thinking of you. That’s all really. I’m thinking of you.


I did a little slicing and dicing while listening to some good-for-me music on Amazon. If you have an Amazon Prime membership have you checked out the music? I really enjoy the selections so far.  If you did check it out, I hope you liked it.



I’ve always enjoyed stacks and piles. This particular pile made me happy. I have this project out so the white with pink polka dot is near. I used a bit and it reminded me of how Liz  (Scrap Basket) made such the effort to get that for me. There’s a Bonnie H. finish on her blog that’s pretty cool – check it out.


Back over here my time ended with these little diamonds and the start of an idea I ultimately bagged. I’m moving onto something the same just different colorway and scale. Possibly or maybe I was just playing today only and that was still cool.

I really just wanted to jump in and say hello because I thought of you today. My health is good,  my life has been the usual ups and downs. You know, unicorns and rainbows in one area and “where’s the wine?” in other areas.

But again, I just wanted to let you know I was thinking of you.

Be Well, *karendianne.


22 thoughts on “Hearing from Me

  1. kattails

    Hi Karendianne….thank you for giving me access to reading your blog. I found a reference to you from Mrs. Goodneedle over at From the Strawberry Patch. I won’t bore you right now with personal details of my own…but know that I sense a kindred spirit as I read your past blog posts….from the quilting to your beautiful animal companions…to your (dare i say??) quirkiness. Although you haven’t posted recently I do hope you will again soon. I am having a hoot reading past posts. Sending you quilty hugs and prayers today….Leap Day 2016. Blessings….kathymarie

  2. Michele Bilyeu

    Thinkng of you today and sending you a beautiful rainbow and a gorgeous unicorn, and enough fine bottles of imaginary wine to go with that will keep you riding and enjoying a rainbow of colors all day long. Love and hugs galore to you my friend.

  3. diane burdin

    What pretty scraps you have piled on your cutting board! They’re enough to lift anyone’s spirits. I’m thinking of you too, as I make an effort to revive my blog. It’s good to reconnect with cuber friends. Take care.

  4. LizA.

    So glad to hear from you and to hear that you’re playing with fabric again. Glad your health is ok…keep checking in, we miss you.

  5. Maggie

    Hello back to you. Isn’t painting wanderful….just wish I had time to do it. I don’t get to do much of anything these days, not even sewing but hoping to change that this Easter with 4 days at home. I just love , love your cheddar quilt.

  6. AnnieO

    So very good to hear from you and see evidence your fabric play still has a part in your life. Raising a glass to you, friend! ❤

  7. Elaine/MuddlingThrough

    I am so glad to see you pop in and say hi! It’s good to hear from you again. I’m glad you had fun playing with fabric. That’s what it’s all about. If it weren’t fun, I wouldn’t do it! And we do love to pet our fabric, don’t we? Love you!

  8. Chris H

    Well hello there. Hope you are well. I am here in NH still buried in snow. Spring is slow in coming-it was 5 degrees this morning! But I got lots of sewing in because I didn’t leave the house in all the snow. Stay well.

  9. Lynda

    Hail fellow! Well met! Have you seen ‘Wolf Hall’ the latest BBC history drama? You will love it when you see it. It’s about Thomas Cromwell and Henry VIII, based on a book. It’s so good to hear from you – people are deserting Blogland for Pinterest, me fearest. xx

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