A Loss at Leehaven





She loved to snuggle on a quilt and read.


Kipling would often put her in her place. She was the sort of cat that needed some whoop ass from time to time.


And this cracked me up. It’s as if she’s saying “Whew, last night the partying was outrageous!”


And here she’s just the queen.

Kricket was a cool little cat. She could break into anything and she did. I had to cat-proof all sorts of areas. She opened cabinets and doors. Oh man. She was a handful. Then of course she and Kanga didn’t get along. That was difficult at times but I sure loved her. She was extremely smart, totally hilarious and had me wrapped around her finger. I mean to the point where I would carry her around with me from room to room. She loved that and I did, too.  Heck, it was an opportunity to embrace my inner crazy cat lady.

Then Friday morning she was significantly weak, couldn’t lift herself into the litter box or jump up on anything but showed no signs of pain or injury. So off to the Vet we went and came home with an initial diagnosis of a blood disorder. The weekend was a sad slog with details to skip over here but by Monday she was much worse. We returned to the Vet and nothing good came of it. I had to let her go. I brought her home and she’s buried in the back yard right outside the kitchen window.

31 thoughts on “A Loss at Leehaven

  1. Linda

    I’ve been thinking of you, I hope things are all right and that you will be back to blogging when you are ready (not that I’m nagging…).

  2. Diann

    I never had a cat till a kitten came to the door and then two mo. later a little calico. Now 15 yrs. later I am gaw gaw for cats. Mine are fine right now but getting older. I so love pic. of your cat and send you hugs. Losing pets is the worst with second being vet bills. We spent over $700 on my Boots last year and no vacation that summer but he’s better now. So sorry for your loss.

  3. Anett

    I am so sorry to hear this…..I am facing this sometime soon with My baby Chance(dog). He is 13 and mostly blind….but he still get around fairly well. But I know the end is coming faster than I want to face. These little critters get wrapped around our hearts and they are hard to let go! Love and hugs to you kiddo!

  4. LizA.

    Never. Ever. Easy, my friend. My heart goes out to you. It is the greatest gift we can give these furry creatures who bring so much joy to our lives. To be able to ease them out of their pain….at least that’s what I keep telling myself every time I have to face that difficult decision. Hugs to you.

  5. Linda

    Oh Karen, I’m so sorry. I know how quiet the house feels after such a loss. My thoughts are with you.

  6. Sue-Anne

    Im so sorry you had to say goodbye to your beautiful little cat. Our pets are part of our family and they leave a huge hole when they pass. Sending you lots of love xox

  7. San

    What a joyful bundle she was who brought so much light and energy to your life. Dolly and I are very sorry to hear of her passing. Take care dear friend.

  8. Jennifer

    My friend, I am so sorry for your loss. Kricket was a beautiful kitty and she had a very good life with you, it seems! Our Binky crossed the Rainbow Bridge earlier this year so she and Kricket are probably chasing each other round the rainbow fields, being young kittens again and having fun. Sending you hugs and good thoughts.

  9. JoAnn Bayne

    So very very sorry. I sometimes still come in the living room and think I see Miss Kitty curled up beside the rocking chair – but also smile with good memories.

  10. Ru

    My heart goes out to you. Wish I could just reach out and give you a great big hug!!!! You know cricket will be following you around n saying “I’m still here beside you”. She always will be. Much love!

  11. nanakaren

    [?]Oh dear! Karen, I’m so sorry for your loss! It sounds like she was a real character of a pet. Hang in there and know that I’m thinking of you.

    Hugs, Karen L.

  12. Candace

    Be peaceful in the knowledge that Kricket was loved more than she could have been anywhere else. May she rest in peach. I’m sorry for your loss, Karen, but happy that you made her life the best.
    Take Care…

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