Alabama Beauty Blocks in Cheddar

Okay yes it’s cheddar, you knew it would be. What would you do if someone sent you some yummy toile and very neat navy background (thank you Kathie Holland) that completely worked? You’d just have to dive in or maybe you’d plan. I didn’t plan. All I did was took one of my favorite blocks and paired it with one of my favorite fabric combinations. It had to work, right?  Sorta…


In this setting, the toile blocks should be the same. Navy and Toile set diagonal from each other and the more flat cheddars opposing diagonals but I didn’t think about that at all. I got what I got which is out of balance unless I’m making placemats.


So I messed around with a different setting to see if I can get away with it like it is
P1016951and probably I can but really, it’s not workin’ for me quite yet. I can probably fix it if I made a couple more blocks but the navy is about gone and I’m pretty sure that cheddar toile is all used up. This is asking me to really stretch my creativity. I dunno…

Maybe they’ll be just 2 placemats or 4 with one block centered.  Bummer. You got any ideas?


13 thoughts on “Alabama Beauty Blocks in Cheddar

  1. LoriD

    Unless you like and use placemats then I would continue trying to make it work. I think they will work better together somehow.

  2. quiltdivajulie

    If the “____” fabric is used up, perhaps you could stretch a bit and consider a scrappy (almost the same but not quite) alternative? If you add in enough, no one will EVER know you didn’t MEAN for it to be that way in the first place . . . just a thought (giggle).

  3. Lisa

    I believe it is not working because it is not one unit yet. The blocks will work together when it is finished. You have four blocks and nothing uniting them yet. Once you add a border or two with the four blocks then it will be a beautiful whole, or add the triangles to the long version, a border and you will be happier. Play with this and see what you think! (you know me, always an opinion)

  4. Jackie

    Ahhhh….that glorious navy fabric! It’s gorgeous! How generous of Kathie to send you the cheddar toile. You always come up with the perfect solution (even when I don’t see there is a problem, you improve it).

  5. Belinda

    Ok, just let it stew and marinate a little, a day or two, a little while. This is what I do, then maybe something will come that you are happier with. I really like the fabrics!!

  6. San

    How about a 3 x 3 combination, dark squares on the 4 corners, 1 in the middle. Then 4 light ones. so you’ll only need 5 more blocks total. A very nice wall hanging or table topper.

  7. Cathi

    What about making it into a table runner with the two blocks with the cheddar toile at either end or in the centre? You could use a cheddar for the setting tris and then bind it with a navy.

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