Category Archives: Alabama Beauty

Alabama Beauty Blocks in Cheddar

Okay yes it’s cheddar, you knew it would be. What would you do if someone sent you some yummy toile and very neat navy background (thank you Kathie Holland) that completely worked? You’d just have to dive in or maybe you’d plan. I didn’t plan. All I did was took one of my favorite blocks and paired it with one of my favorite fabric combinations. It had to work, right?  Sorta…


In this setting, the toile blocks should be the same. Navy and Toile set diagonal from each other and the more flat cheddars opposing diagonals but I didn’t think about that at all. I got what I got which is out of balance unless I’m making placemats.


So I messed around with a different setting to see if I can get away with it like it is
P1016951and probably I can but really, it’s not workin’ for me quite yet. I can probably fix it if I made a couple more blocks but the navy is about gone and I’m pretty sure that cheddar toile is all used up. This is asking me to really stretch my creativity. I dunno…

Maybe they’ll be just 2 placemats or 4 with one block centered.  Bummer. You got any ideas?


An Alabama Beauty Block (or two)

Hi there. Little bit of progress over here. Lots of happenings. I’ll skip the happenings and share the fabric.

I’ve got one of the Alabama Beauty blocks (a favorite) in cheddar and navy blue whipped up. This was NOT hand pieced. I tell ya, I make an effort with hand piecing but it’s just not happening. I can do a little bit but it’s not enjoyable. Either it’s uncomfortable or I just don’t enjoy it. Go figure? I was so passionate about it but maybe I’ve just accepted the current state.

Good thing I’m able to machine piece because then I wouldn’t even be here – at all and while I can’t decide what to do about my blog or blogging or even with my life – at least I can machine piece an Alabama Beauty block. I can share that.

What really struck me here was how incredibly cool that navy and cheddar print looks. I hope it views nicely for you. It’s really pretty neat.


Sadly, I can’t find where I put that cheddar toile. I did some fussy printing with it if you look close but actually it’s hard to see so I don’t know why I mention it except I’d like to do more. Thing is, I can’t find the fabric.  It’s in one of those places that’s very special and you know you won’t forget…but you do!

Thanks for taking the time to drop in. I really appreciate the visit.

