Category Archives: LeeHaven with Cats

A Loss at Leehaven





She loved to snuggle on a quilt and read.


Kipling would often put her in her place. She was the sort of cat that needed some whoop ass from time to time.


And this cracked me up. It’s as if she’s saying “Whew, last night the partying was outrageous!”


And here she’s just the queen.

Kricket was a cool little cat. She could break into anything and she did. I had to cat-proof all sorts of areas. She opened cabinets and doors. Oh man. She was a handful. Then of course she and Kanga didn’t get along. That was difficult at times but I sure loved her. She was extremely smart, totally hilarious and had me wrapped around her finger. I mean to the point where I would carry her around with me from room to room. She loved that and I did, too.  Heck, it was an opportunity to embrace my inner crazy cat lady.

Then Friday morning she was significantly weak, couldn’t lift herself into the litter box or jump up on anything but showed no signs of pain or injury. So off to the Vet we went and came home with an initial diagnosis of a blood disorder. The weekend was a sad slog with details to skip over here but by Monday she was much worse. We returned to the Vet and nothing good came of it. I had to let her go. I brought her home and she’s buried in the back yard right outside the kitchen window.

Fabric Storage for Felines

I know I’m not alone when it comes to making the house work out for the pets. I’d love to hear some of the things you do to integrate your home and your furry critters. So while you scan this, consider what to share and leave a comment!


This part of my fabric stash is for the benefit of Kipling because of course the convenience & comfort of his life is paramount!  He is the oldest and therefore gets prime everything which means he’s horribly spoiled. Awfully spoiled. He likes to nap on top of the hutch but he’s a larger cat and not as nimble as the little cats like 8 lb Kricket. He needs help getting up into the higher places so this was designed. A stash ladder!

I thought this series of photos was cute. I really like the first one where he’s looking up, doing a quick analysis of the set up then smelling the handle/edge at each level.


I love this blur shot. From here he goes to the top of the hutch where he’ll be left alone by the girls (for the most part) and very happy with practically the highest place in the house. Prime real estate for a cat!IMG_0158

Hope you have a great weekend. *kd.