Movie Time

The Power of Words

This photo is all over the place and its making me reflect back. It’s making me think. I mean, what parents chose to reinforce in their children very often becomes reality. When I was a kid, my parents – each in their own way – said just a couple things to me over and over and over that really made a difference in my life.

Doesn’t it make you think and if you care to leave a note – please do. It’s kind of a neat to reflect back and see how you were impacted by a few brief, positive words – always and often. I don’t have children but if I did I think I’d want them to be able to use their imagination to reach God from a very early age and I’d want they to notice and feel joy.


9 thoughts on “Movie Time

  1. Carline Anthony

    You are so right, words can be so powerful. My mom and sisters were always heaping negetivity on me and I still can hear those words today and I am 65 years old.

  2. Janet

    I couldn’t bring myself yto leave you a comment yesterday, I was bawling too much. I’m recovered now. Thank you for a powerful post which touched me.

  3. Kathie L

    My parents always praised my scholarly pursuits and my mother always praised my sewing projects. Here I am at 60 and I still take college classes for the fun of it, and still sew. Words make a difference. Good parents make a world of difference, and I was one of the lucky ones. Kathie L in Allentown

  4. Elaine/MuddlingThrough

    My grandmother told me when I was very young that I was her favorite. And not to tell the others. I was the oldest of five children, and no one liked me very much, it seemed to me, so for her to tell me that I was her FAVORITE made an amazing impact on my life. Always.

    For our girls, I wanted them to really like each other and themselves. They do. And yes, always, God is the most important.

  5. Jennifer

    So true, Karen…..and the other way too. If a child hears discouragement and negativity more than kindness and positive words it affects them their whole life, as I know.

  6. Karken

    I love these words! Although I haven’t seen the movie, I did read the book and felt it was wonderful and so touching!

    You are so lucky to have parents who did make a difference in your life, which I think is very important.

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