Sew Productive

Happy Monday! Are you ready for the week? I’m on a roll so I hope I can keep ahold of it a little longer. I’d like to continue getting some things accomplished.

Cotton Club Block 19

Most every set of blocks from the Cotton Club BOM seems to have a “favorite block” of mine & this one is it for me with this latest set. I want to increase the size and make more, I want to play with color and just go, go, go. Maybe later. That’s more distraction than I have time for at the moment.

Cheddar Bow Ties

The goal was 20 Bow Ties to add by this weekend but I’m short 5. That’s because I misplaced the five I had to re-sew. Where are those little buggers?

Strawberry Lemonade - 1

Love the lines! These are my Strawberry Lemonade HST’s (w/ Inklingo) before they made it into the blocks below:

Strawberry Lemonade - 2

And now I’m ready to make progress with Pink Lemonade. I’m also ready to make progress in a few other areas so I’ve got to make my priorities and get focused.

Thanks for the visit and I hope you have a great start to the week!  *karendianne.

14 thoughts on “Sew Productive

  1. Janet

    I love that cute block too, I can picture lots of them too, that would look awesome. I’m glad you got so much accomplished, love, love the fabrics in your pink lemonade.

  2. Jackie

    I love block 19 too! I had wondered if it was because all of the red in it but I think it’s because it’s a wonderful block paired with the perfect fabric.

  3. Jeanne

    Good for you! You made great progress this week-end. Those missing five blocks will show up. Maybe they’re just afraid of the ‘ripper’. I found my tin of bowties and counted them all. My new number is 50! Your lemonade blocks are lovely. Keep up the great work!

  4. Jennifer

    Aren’t those little blocks sweet….just like lollies, you would call it candy……you could almost serve them on a plate with a strawberry garnish!

  5. dawn

    Great projects!
    Important hoping to get lemonade quieted this month. So fun to see everyone’s fabric choices!
    Thank you for sharing.

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