Cotton Club (out of order)

Oh so glad you stopped by. Are you having a good day? It’s a good day here. I kept my priorities straight. I wasn’t sure I was going to get any quilting in with the chores today but I stayed focused and balanced. All the important things at Leehaven were tended to and I even hit my quilting goal. I cut and completed Block 21 of the latest Cotton Club BOM. For this batch there are 2 more. Now don’t go thinkin’ I’ve got it all together. I’m actually behind on the overall BOM but I might as well start where I am.

Block 19 & 21


These blocks are 5″ finished. The HST’s are 1″ finished which I reckon you can figure out for yourself but I thought I’d just type it out.

I have one other tidbit of news about my forehead. Yesterday I bent down to pick up an almond on the kitchen floor. One of my cats was after it. I didn’t want her to get the almond. I instinctively think everything is a potential Vet bill. Anyway, on the way down to get the almond I smacked my forehead on the kitchen counter. SmAcKeD! I didn’t see stars but it did shake me for about 2 beats. Not long but dang it hurt. I have a nice egg with a lovely bruise. A friend said “houses can be dangerous” and gosh she wasn’t kidding.

Leaving you bruised, battered and blocked, *karendianne.


18 thoughts on “Cotton Club (out of order)

  1. Jill

    I hope your head has recovered.
    I thought of you yesterday. I had a project that I was deteremined to get done before I went to bed. But, so many other chores were calling my name. I stayed focused and got my project done and the important chores. So many times I leave my stitching for last and then I never get to it. I need to move it up on the priority list.

  2. Elaine/MuddlingThrough

    Ouch! I’m sorry. Yep, I’ve done things of that sort, too. Kind of makes you feel not so smart, doesn’t it?

    But obviously you are very smart. Sheesh! Those are some tiny little pieces in that block. Good work, Girlfriend!!!

  3. Sandie @ crazy'boutquilts

    Love your tiny blocks!! And ouch!!! I have done that and it isn’t fun! :-/ ‘Someone’ left the cutting board pulled out and I smacked it good. LOL Now I push it in every time I am done with it. 😀 Hope the egg goes down soon!

  4. Jennifer

    Ouch, Karen…..we leave you alone for a minute, and look what you do….hope that bump gets better soon. They are pretty little blocks, aren’t they? even though they are quite teeny-weeny.

  5. Karen

    Sorry for the head bump! That must have hurt. I’ve always “heard” accidents happen at home or close to home.

    Take care!

  6. Terry

    Sorry about your head! I did the same thing one day. Gotta pay more attention! LOL And you’re a much better sewer than I am to make those itty bitty HSTs!!

  7. imperamagna

    Oh so sorry to hear you hit your head on the counter… *ouchie* can always tell folks you got into a fight at a biker bar!

    Lovely 5″ blocks… I’m trying to imagine 1″ HSTs tho…


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