Daily Archives: January 30, 2012

A is for Applique!!!

It was a Friday that I re-started appliqué. Same month but a year after my first attempt. It was the beginning of January. A good month for a fresh start. I wasn’t sure this was going to go well since last year’s 6 months of classes was a fail. This 2nd attempt was a risk.

A risk that I really might not like appliqué. A risk that I just didn’t have the personality for it. A risk that I’d have to face the fact that I just didn’t have the ability. I was going to have to face myself and whatever was holding me back. Yes, even in a hobby there are demons to face.

I guess I could have quit and said the heck with it but something inside me was holding onto this and making it important. I don’t know why. Anyway, I pulled myself up by my bootstraps and started over. And wouldn’t you know it but I have some progress to show for my first month.


Class Sample

(click for close up of my baby appliqué work)

No, it isn’t exactly easy but it isn’t exactly difficult either. No, my work isn’t beautiful (its wonky in places for sure) but it isn’t horrible either. I can see potential here and I’m actually doing needle-turn appliqué. I have something to show for the month when we meet for our 2nd class this Friday and that’s the most I’ve achieved with appliqué.

As I type this I realize this was something I decided I really wanted to do as long as I have the ability and I find my heart is restful. Its as if even this little bit of appliqué, this little achievement, is telling my spirit that I can relax, let off the pressure, I’ll have just as much time as I’m supposed to have.  And isn’t that true for us all?