Classic, Simple Blue and White

I was digging through my hutch where I keep my special blocks and found nine blue and white blocks.

They hollered out to be stitched and when the fabric hollers, by golly we listen, right?!

classic blue and white

So in between chores and cooking I cut and stitched this little quilt. It’s 20″ and the blocks are 4.5 finished. I totally dig that size block. If you click for a close up you might be able to see the design in this stash fabric.

Now to decide on the next move. I’m wandering in my mind. Stay with blue and white or add some cheddar? Apply a border fabric or add a pieced border? Add a simple blue and white stripped border and leave it at that? I kind of like that last idea and maybe if I miter the corners that would add a nice touch. Ohh, I don’t know! Maybe I just better leave it here and share with y’all for now. I’m stuck.

Have a great weekend and thanks for sharing your time.  *karendianne.

25 thoughts on “Classic, Simple Blue and White

  1. Rebecca Plourde

    I love two color quilts & blue & white is so wonderful. I know you will come up with something grand for the finish.

  2. libbyQ

    a classic blue and white gem~!~
    i did look at the fabric more closely and can see that it is gorgeous~!!~a very subtle paisley print i think(?).
    i agree with so many others who’ve commented here. you will ‘hear’ what else it has to say when the time is right . . . just as you did when you sewed them together.

    take care.

  3. quiltobsession

    You can’t beat blue and white! It is so elegant and classic looking! I’d be tempted to put on a very narrow white or blue border and then bind it with a bias binding cut from the stripe.

  4. Jeanne

    I agree that 4 1/2″ blocks are great to sew and use. What a nice find in your hutch! Any other surprises in there? I’m sure whatever you decide for the border will be perfect.

  5. Jennifer

    Isn’t that blue lovely and subtle! Not screaming loud in-your-face….just very refined and elegant. I feel sure those blocks will tell you just what they want for their border!

  6. Elaine/MuddlingThrough

    How very pretty and the blue and white alone is so striking! I’ve been muddling about, too. Just can’t seem to settle on anything. Trying to get this messy sewing room cleaned. I don’t function really well in clutter. (Though you’d never know it to see my house. LOL) Love you KarenDianne!

  7. Karen Lange

    I love this little quilt! The fabrics are very nice…I did see the design.

    So many choices as far as finishing and each will lend a different flavor to this piece. Maybe you could pull out some pieces and “audition” them to see what works best for you.

    Great job.

    Hugs, Karen L.

  8. Wanda

    It would be really striking with a narrow cheddar border and then a white one with blue binding. It also would be striking all blue and white. This is why I work in series a lot of times, then I can make it several ways.

  9. Jan S.

    That vibrant blue makes for a really striking block, along with the crisp white. I’ll bet when you make some more you’ll have a better idea of how you want to finish it off. Happy sewing!

  10. Willie Latane Barton

    I think that it will come to you (in the sweet bye and bye) just exactly what to do with the edges of that quilt. It is so NEAT looking, so CLEAN… Glad the blue and white idea just popped into your head. Hugs.

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