Monthly Archives: March 2012

Head is Over the Heels

I am head over heels in love with this setting! I’m not supposed to show this yet but I can’t contain myself.

First off, this is planned as a table runner. It needs border work which I haven’t decided on.  If you have ideas feel free to share. My personal thought is:  a little strip on the sides with something more detailed on the ends. Seems wide enough to me.

The general size is like 23″ish x 41.5″ish. I measured it while its hanging so that’s why the “ish”. Blocks are 4.5″ finished. Do you think that’s too big for a table? I really need your input here please.

This setting wasn’t my idea. No. It was shared with me by a friend, Sue Tierney, at Sit & Sew. It was a clipping out of an older Country Living magazine that she saved.  Isn’t it just gorgeous? Personally I think it can be a wall hanging if not a table runner.  It’s just stunning.  I can see some lovely quilting here, too.

It could be a quilt, too, but we’re not doing that today! 🙂

I hope you’re having a great time sewing and enjoying your fabric.

I’m kinda having some MS pain which I haven’t had in a long, long time. I’m told I need to rest. I interpret that as NO HOUSEWORK.  Yippie!  On the quilting front, I have to share with you… the new Moda Friendship for a Cause is begging to come into my house. You can see it here  if you haven’t already – the reds and browns are divine!  I had a funny discussion w/ my dad about fabric the other day.  To make a long story short, my dad commented on some fabric I was getting and said in the most tender, genuine voice “really? you need more fabric?” or something to that effect. He was very kind and not judgmental.  He was genuinely questioning how that could be possible.  I don’t even recall my reply.  I just know it was kinda silly and fun.  Seriously?  How could a quilter need EVEN MORE fabric?  I don’t know, dad, but this line is a must have! He needs a new horse and me, its fabric.

Test Block: Oak Leaf and Reel

As always, you can click all pictures for a closer look.

I had company recently so we got the AB quilt up on the wall.  I love having quilts up in this spot and I dig it when Kipling is in the picture with this big self hanging off the end. That makes me laugh. A new cat tree is needed. Poor cats. I also like it when my spirit guide in hanging around there to the left. I know, I know, the entity looks an awful lot like a camera flash reflection in the mirror but don’t be fooled. Or better yet, lets not ruin my imagination! I like company.

And I don’t know if I mentioned it or not but the last day of appliqué happened and while I was finishing up my class block… ya know… I let myself dream. So here’s something that’s been in my heart. It’s prepped for a type of backbasting called “Perfect Placement” I learned form Janice Vanie  since she lives in my city. Anyway, the block is 17″ and it’s a test block. I can’t even begin to tell you what it took me to get this pattern made except to say “Necessity is the Mother of Invention.”

I’m not ashamed to say I’m a rookie. I didn’t even think I could prep this differently and work my pattern a bit differently. When you’re new at something, it’s difficult to think what you might do different. I didn’t know until I read Kathie’s blog. Those points could be rounded out on the leaves and it suddenly hit me – I could have this pattern reduced in size to make it manageable. Oh well. I think I’m going to go with what I have for now. We’ll see.  I was most surprised to find Kathie and I were working on the same block though. Cosmic! Of course she was actually making the blocks while I’m back here fiddling with the pattern but still – that’s a neat find.

Everything I needed to make this happen was in Antique Quilts, Volume One, 2010.

The Oak Leaf and Reel has been a nice mental distraction while I continue to work away at my Carpenter’s Wheel quilt. And by the way I have the another row laid out.

It took a bit of a time to soak this in. To be honest, I like my blocks but when I looked at these together I was overwhelmed. I thought it was busy and just too much. I don’t like “too much!” so I was hung up in that place where the plan starts to fall apart and you re-think options.

Fortunately I stopped that and decided to stick with my vision. Fortunately I have someone helping me to stay centered, reminding me to stick with my vision.

So that’s just a bit of what I’ve been working on. Thank you for sharing the creativity with me. I’m grateful for your time here and I appreciate you. You help to keep me going. You really do. With a warm heart, *karendianne.

Another Little Quilt – Red and White

Holy Cow! Two years later. What am I talking about? Well first today.

I was sipping coffee and reading Blogs. I was visiting Julie at Quiltdivajulie – Me and My Quilts and noticed there’s a new Spool – a -Thon afoot. Gee wiz. I went back and looked at my spools. Poor things languishing in a box they are. I realized it’s been 2 years this month since the post with the cutting info & it was incorrect, needed updating so I went about fixing it. Problem is, with WordPress you make a change to an old post and it triggers an update, which in turn posts to Google Reader.  Disregard that post.

So lets start with today. This is a little project I’m working on and it’s not turning out the way it looked in the picture.

This is a of the layout in an older 90’s (I think) Country Living magazine. I just can’t get right with it.

It’s very clean and simple but something about it just feels so utilitarian. Would you hang this or use this on your table? I just don’t know. Something about it just bothers me. Maybe if I keep looking at the picture it’ll work on me. The Country Living photo was great. This… no two much.

❀ Thanks for the visit, sorry for the “null” post and have a great day! *karendianne.