Head is Over the Heels

I am head over heels in love with this setting! I’m not supposed to show this yet but I can’t contain myself.

First off, this is planned as a table runner. It needs border work which I haven’t decided on.  If you have ideas feel free to share. My personal thought is:  a little strip on the sides with something more detailed on the ends. Seems wide enough to me.

The general size is like 23″ish x 41.5″ish. I measured it while its hanging so that’s why the “ish”. Blocks are 4.5″ finished. Do you think that’s too big for a table? I really need your input here please.

This setting wasn’t my idea. No. It was shared with me by a friend, Sue Tierney, at Sit & Sew. It was a clipping out of an older Country Living magazine that she saved.  Isn’t it just gorgeous? Personally I think it can be a wall hanging if not a table runner.  It’s just stunning.  I can see some lovely quilting here, too.

It could be a quilt, too, but we’re not doing that today! 🙂

I hope you’re having a great time sewing and enjoying your fabric.

I’m kinda having some MS pain which I haven’t had in a long, long time. I’m told I need to rest. I interpret that as NO HOUSEWORK.  Yippie!  On the quilting front, I have to share with you… the new Moda Friendship for a Cause is begging to come into my house. You can see it here  if you haven’t already – the reds and browns are divine!  I had a funny discussion w/ my dad about fabric the other day.  To make a long story short, my dad commented on some fabric I was getting and said in the most tender, genuine voice “really? you need more fabric?” or something to that effect. He was very kind and not judgmental.  He was genuinely questioning how that could be possible.  I don’t even recall my reply.  I just know it was kinda silly and fun.  Seriously?  How could a quilter need EVEN MORE fabric?  I don’t know, dad, but this line is a must have! He needs a new horse and me, its fabric.

24 thoughts on “Head is Over the Heels

  1. LoriD

    Hi! I’m sorry you are not feeling well. I certainly think the new pretty fabrics would help that.

    Love the r&w table runner! I think the size would be just right…of course bed size would be better;)

  2. Donna

    I love the red and white! It’s very striking. If you have a large table, I think the size will be great.

  3. Rose Marie

    Recently, I purchased some FQ bundles (4 to be exact). DH said to me: “buy whatever you need”. I replied, “I don’t need it …. but want it!” That is a big difference when a quilter has a good stash of fabric already. He loves my quilts and knows that with new fabric, there is a new quilt coming up soon.
    Love your R/W runner!

  4. Mare

    I think more fabric will make you feel better. On my honor, I do! I love your table runner and I think you are right on the money with a strip on the sides and something fun on the ends. red tulips would be sweet……….

  5. Joan

    Love the red and white. So sorry for you MS pain – I know thats not good for you….good to know that you need more fabric though – I understand that too.
    Please feel better soon…I worry for you !! ♥

  6. njquilter24

    oh I hope your feeling better soon….i LOVE this its adorable, keep the size I bet its fine for a table
    and that fabric is from MODA! oh I am still swooning over these reds 🙂
    silly DaD!
    of course you need a little more fabric….

  7. Floss

    I think the red and white is great, I think it will be perfect on the table.
    We could always use more fabric, but don’t ever really need it. LOL

  8. Stephanie D

    Looks like a picnic!

    Have to chuckle at your dad. He must not have a consuming hobby, or he’d understand. Hubby doesn’t even wander into the sewing room, so he has no idea how much fabric I truly have.

    That’s a good thing.

  9. quiltobsession

    Just stunning! Red and white is such a wonderfully graphic, beautiful combination! Whatever size you make it, it will make a fabulous table runner. I’d be tempted to add a little border all around it in red and then maybe some pieced blocks at the end.
    Non-quilters just don’t get that one needs a full palette of colours and fabrics in one’s stash! And I can definitely see why those fabrics are a need!

  10. LizA.

    Theres something just so classic about red & white! I don’t think it even matters what pattern it is — I love them all.

    Yummy bundle of fabric, I can see why it would need to come home to you.

    Bummer on the MS — I hate it when my lupus does that. You have better things to do, like sew, than deal with MS symptoms….

  11. Jennifer

    Well, I don’t blame you for lusting after that pretty fabric – I would, too! Your red and white blocks are looking very cheerful in that setting…..it really says “summer’ to me, summer flowers. As to the size, it depends on your table and whether you want a runner as a centrepiece, or something a little longer.

  12. Michele Bilyeu

    Wow, that Friendship Collection is exactly the kind of thing I love, too! Some fabrics just call our name..tell your dad you’re a ‘fabric whisperer’…..a horse whisperer would have to understand that! And your own red and white…really, really striking. I don’t know your table size..but I know it wouldn’t be too big on mine 😉 Good for you for releasing those old pains….finally coming up, and out through manifestation.

  13. exuberantcolor

    I like that setting too! As far as size goes, it depends on the size of your table. If it is for decoration and not for when you are eating, any size you like is OK. If it interferes with place settings when eating then it is too big for that purpose. I have made them many different sizes.

  14. libbyQ

    love the simplicity and graphic quality of any two color piece.
    this is a great example of that~!


  15. siobhan

    That red and white will make a great table runner! Reminds me tiles at an Italian restaurant….

    The friendship fabrics are wonderful…I am getting some of each of the reds an one of the browns. As usual with Moda they feel great! I actually used most of the charm pack I got…and that never happens!

    Sorry the MS pain is acting up…

  16. Karen

    Love that red and white runner. I can understand why the new Friendship for a Cause fabric is calling your name…beautiful. Take care my friend…sorry that you are feeling the MS. pains again! Do get more rest? Hugs, Karen…… Ps. Still smiling at your Dad’s question…a little chuckling also!

  17. Emily

    The simplicity of it makes is gorgeous.
    I love that house work is the first thing off your list when you need to rest. Very smart.

  18. quiltdivajulie

    I can see why you are head over heels with this one — I see a narrow red stop border and I agree this is nearly wide enough, so more outer bordering on the ends than on the sides.

    Sometimes fabric is a ‘need’ for our soul and not so much a ‘need’ for an actual use — hard for others to understand, but deeply and certainly true.

  19. Elaine/MuddlingThrough

    Oh, Girlfriend, I am loving that red and white! It is gorgeous! Maybe a red strip and some hst’s? And yes, I think my sweet husband might think that sometimes, but he just says, get what you need. Love that!

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