
One day, in a galaxy, far, far away… and not so long ago I was hanging out and chatting with a friend. I don’t even know what we were talking about but the above quilt came up. Specifically the focus was on the wide binding. I was intrigued. “Wide binding” I thought.  “What must that do to the quilt visually?” I had to see it! I asked if she would bring it to Sit-and-Sew.

Gosh what a charming quilt. It’s all snuggly and just the right colorway.  Wide binding really works on the right quilt. It adds the perfect element of interest here. It’s not too much. It’s not bulky. It catches your eye but in an ever so subtle way. It works well here balanced with the inner border. Classic lines. I thought you might appreciate seeing this.  Possibly you haven’t thought of this before or maybe you have? Maybe you’ll think of giving this a try?

The math is a 6″ wide cut for your binding and fold in half. Sew to the quilt with a 1″ seam, apply as usual.  That’s the ticket to make it work. One inch!


While we’re on the subject of binding, I’ve taken up the tip from Debbie (click here) for basting your binding in place.  I can tell already this is going to be easier on my hands which brings me to….

The Good News. I’m really starting to recover the wrist strain. Yeah!!! Cutting is still painful and I’m not up to speed yet but by golly I can do a bit of machine sewing and hand-piecing. So I’m about off restriction and ready to be let loose on y’all. How about you, have any good news to share? I’m gonna random generate a number and grab a gallon ziplock bag of my nicely sized CW backgrounds/shirting scraps for you if you care to share some good news. I don’t know how long until I pull that number but maybe a few days.


Nice to be here with you, sharing and close to all healed up!

40 thoughts on “Bindings

  1. Jo

    Good news on the wrist. I annoyed mine this week with a long trip to Seattle – the traffic is horrendous – 4 hour and 15 minutes to go just under 90 miles – and I forgot my hand brace – dang. Oh well, now I have an excuse for resting. LOL

    Love the wide binding – thanks for the idea.

  2. Jill

    So glad to hear you are healing!! My good news is I leave for quilt retreat tomorrow with my sister. Yippee!

  3. Marcie

    I’m so tired of scrolling thru all your comment that I forgot what I was going to say. Oh, yes, you are right. The wide binding is perfect on that quilt! Nice quilt too! Happy about your wrist healing. Healing is always good. And wow, what a following you have!

  4. Quilter kathy

    Great news about your quick healing!
    That’s a great bag of fabric there…would make any quilter’s heart beat faster 🙂
    My great news is that I am going away this weekend with 3 quilting friends for an adventure that
    will likely include sewing, shopping and travelling. I can hardly wait!

  5. Marilyn

    Enjoy your blog and am inspired by the quilt you have pictured. So classic looking. My good news is my son found a job yesterday! Yipee!

  6. libbyQ

    happy to hear that your wrist is healing. don’t try to do too much too fast though or you may re-injure it.
    yippie~!!~i do have good news: i have a dolly quilt flimsy finished (posted on my blog) and it is making me smile BIG every time that i see it~!
    LOVE your header~! the shirting that you have with those blocks is yummy.
    the wide binding sure works beautifully on the quilt pictured.


  7. LizA.

    Interesting–I can see where the wide binding works for certain situations. Sew glad the wrist is doing better–now, DO NOT OVERDO IT! Baby steps my friend, baby steps. Hhhmmm, good news, we now own a lot and have closed on our construction loan…..I just need better news in that my house is sold, but, all in due time……

  8. AnnieO

    I do like that wider binding and agree on the right quilt it adds a lot. Soooo pleased your wrist rest has done what it was intended and the pain is easing! How sweet of you to offer a giveaway. My good news is that we have 9 avocados on our dwarf Hass tree–last season we only had 2!


    I am glad to hear that your wrist is improving. My good news is that I am leaving for a retreat on Thursday and I have my projects cut and ready to go.

  10. Lynda M O

    Your good news cheers me immensely; so glad to hear that “Wrist” gradually allows you to have some fun. The good news here is that some of the ways that I have been “cheating” on quilts (starting at the edges and quilting my way toward the center; bringing the backing around to the front with an inch or more width to the binding overlap…) have become a bit more mainstream and are being touted on websites and in articles. So yay for all kinds of skills being welcomed into the pool of those of us who love to play with fabric.

  11. Kathy Boehm

    So glad your wrist is healing nicely. My good news is my stepson is getting married this Saturday. Finally! It will be a glorious day!
    I love shirtings and would so love to have your leftovers 🙂

  12. Miriam

    Great to hear your wrist is healing well, Karen. 🙂
    I haven’t seen a wide binding like the one you showed before. Thank you for sharing.
    My good news; I got a quilt finished!!….on a tight deadline…..then was given a beautiful bunch of flowers! 🙂
    I looove flowers!
    Thank you for your generosity!
    Take care.

  13. Angie

    I have never heard or seen the wide binding. Thank you so much for sharing this idea with us. I’m making a note of that because I KNOW I would like using it. So glad your wrist is getting better, girl. 🙂 I would be ever so happy to win those shirtings—I am in desperate need of some neutrals and shirtings. 🙂

  14. Karen

    So glad you’re getting better. My good news is that I’ve been asked to be a judge for a quilt show!!! Details to come soon on my blog but I’ve been sewing up a storm for my booth. Since I lost my job, God is opening so many doors. Life is good!!

  15. Siobhan

    Whoohoo…wrist on the way to recovery! I haven’t done a wide binding in ages…I love how it looks on your quilt!

  16. julie

    My good news is that my son broke his hand…but he is recovering well! That is fantastic! Thank you, Karen, for your generous heart.

  17. njquilter24

    happy to hear your feeling better , cutting I still have to take it 15 minute intervals or my wrists, arms suffer….
    good news? My DD was offered an internship for the summer and will get PAID!

  18. Jan S.

    What a great quilt. The binding being wider really draws your eye to the dark within the quilt, and the narrow border. Very effective.
    How nice that your wrist is better! Just makes life easier, right?

  19. paulathequilter

    I am SO glad you are mending so fast. Of course, from your perspective, it probably wasn’t fast enough. Love that wide binding; I just finished binding 2 quilts over the week end.

  20. Lynda

    LOVE that quilt! mmm-mmmmm! Thank goodness your wrist is on the mend. Take care my friend, easy does it! xx

  21. quiltdivajulie

    Excellent news about the wrist healing!!
    Good news? Younger son’s apartment being completely renovated (while he lives in temporary apartment next door). New flooring, fresh paint, more electrical outets, a new working stove, new kitchen cabinets, oh SO good for his overall health.

  22. Terry

    I like the wide binding. It’s different, and goodness knows I like different! LOL Good news…let’s see…the sun is shining and I’ve been sewing and have two more Christmas gifts almost done. How’s that? Glad your wrist is getting better! :0)

  23. Darlene

    You had me at ‘bindings’. LOL I absolutely love to sew down bindings – could be because I love hand work.

    I’m really glad to hear that you’re healing and able to do a bit more. Wonderful news. I’m not sure I have any special news – life is status quo – little to no stress and all is well in my corner of the world. My sewing mojo is very strong and that makes me happy. 🙂

  24. Peggy

    I am really glad your wrists are finally healing. I know what it is like to not be able to use your hands and it is awful!! Finally finished a quilt for one of my sisters for her birthday – that’s the good news – bad news it was last years birthday!!

  25. Nancy, Near Philadelphia

    Your news is very good indeed. Here’s mine: Going away to White Oak for quilting retreat weekend on Friday. Christmas gift queen quilt status: One finished, one needs binding stitched down, and final one’s blocks are made and ready to be assembled. Having a wonderful time handquilting Lori’s QAL.

  26. Ann Champion

    I’m SO happy for you that your wrist is on the mend. Take it slow when you get back into cutting/sewing?
    When I first started quilting in the 1980’s it was pretty common to make our bindings wide like that, so my first quilts all had wide bindings. In most cases I prefer the more narrow I use today.
    I don’t have any good news to share though….:(

  27. LoriD

    I love the wide binding and see where it enhances this quilt. Glad you are getting closer to recovery and almost ready to sew!! Woo-Hoo! My good news? I’m leaving town for a few mental health days and am meeting a few quilt bloggers!!

  28. Ru

    I would do the happy dance for you, if I could move. Glad to hear things have improved and you will soon be back to normal. I have a fall table runner that I’m hand quilting. Temporarily on hold. Can’t wait to see what you have started.

  29. Julie - Me & My Stitches

    So glad you are on the mend! Love the idea of the wide binding – I think that could really add something to the right quilt. My good news is that I am vending at a show near Kansas City next weekend and I think I’m close to being prepared! Very little stress!

  30. Karen Lange

    That’s a really nice quilt! I am SO glad your wrist is getting better. Cutting is difficult when one has a sore hand/wrist.
    Take care!

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