It’s All New

We’re having one of those Florida afternoon rainstorms. I love this rain with the wind going sideways just a little bit. Kind of like me. Sideways just a little bit. 🙂

I was thinking after my last post how great it was to hear from all of you. Even if you didn’t leave a note I sense you’re here and I appreciate it.

So I wanted to mention that, to let you know how great that was and to say thank you.

Anyway, back to the rain. Do you notice that makes you want to curl up and read? I do and since it rains here a lot lately I could go right there. But I’m doing new things and distracted and falling behind.

As you might imagine after my last post, I spend time working with watercolors. It’s all new so you know the setup is funky, you don’t know what you need, you don’t know how you like it, and you learn as you go. It takes time. But when you’re putting in that effort and overcoming the “rookie moves” check-in. Look at your work and see if you’re happy with it? I can honestly say today I had fun (I also had a plan so that probably helped) and I was happy with the way things were going. I’m in the right place with it.

And that’s all great but y’all, would you look at this:



and this


So it’s nice the painting and all but it looks like I have been hiding from something! Try to find a photo in there!


7 thoughts on “It’s All New

  1. JoAnn Bayne

    I went through 38 years of print photos several years ago – put them all in albums and then a few years ago scanned all 5,000+ of them – I am so happy to have digital photos now – love love love my digital cameras. I have to say – mine old photos were not as organized as yours.

    I’m glad you are enjoying the rain – in the mean time we are enjoying more sunshine that we’ve had in the summer in years and years – I’m painting too – my dining room chairs and now my kitchen cabinets LOL Back to the deck – those cupboard doors are not going to paint themselves.

  2. LizA.

    Watercolor –how fun! Rain, oh how I miss it. We have been suffering thru triple digits, broke record for hottest July on record and have only seen 1/3 of an inch of rain…….enough already — I’m ready for winter! Glad to hear you’re well.

  3. Jackie

    Your photos and mine look very similar. Love the piece of furniture where they are stored.

    Rain makes me want to curl up and read. In my pjs or really slouchy comfortable clothes.

  4. Chris

    Hi Karen. I have been MIA from blogging for quite a while but I am still here and kicking. I am active on Instagram mostly. Have been enjoying a beautiful NH summer. Hope you are well.

  5. Jennifer

    You’ve been tidying up? In that case, you have put me to shame, well done! If you have some spare rain that you don’t want we could do with some here, the drought is biting more each day.

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