Category Archives: Carpenters Wheel

Borders and a Sale

So you know now I’m getting into Watercolors. Oh y’all I have OMG so much to learn and dontcha know it, just like Quilting you need a few start up items. Pricey but I do have fabric.  Loads of it actually. So I thought I might start selling a bit of what I’m not ever going to use. Please see the Sale Items Tab at the top of my Blog, alongside Home – A Bit of My Work if you’re interested.

I actually have been doing some sewing.  What you’re seeing is my Carpenter’s Wheel quilt on my bed being analyzed. You know, where you look at our quilt and decide to stop or add. I’m realizing this quilt doesn’t need a border. It’s a fine size.

That’s nice but you know I want a border so I ended up going with the same fabric as the setting triangles.

It troubles me at first, all that cheddar.



So I thought a black stop border, just a tiny one. I unsewed and mocked it up.


And I visualized how that might look (you have to use your imagination here)


Once I looked at that 6.5″ border I realized this would be just fine w/o that black stop border. Perfect really. Then something came up and this is as far as I got but the borders are cut thanks to the kindness of a friend.


Randomly Generated Winner and A Carpenter’s Wheel

This was the best giveaway ever. Lots of good news y’all shared. Totally fun!!! Thank you all for participating.

True Random Number Generator

Min: 1

Max: 39



Kathy Boehm you win the gallon ziplock bag of my nicely sized CW backgrounds/shirting scraps!!  Your good news – you had a wedding in the family this past weekend.  Congratulations! Send me your mailing address and I’ll get these out to as soon as possible.

This came in the mail a few days ago from Siobhan of Scraps and Threadtales. Its an old block (oh… i forgot to ask the dating) she picked up while away at the American Quilt Study Seminar. Fun part of the story…

Sio posted about the block here and of course I commented on how neat it was. Then it shows up in my mailbox. It must have been on its way when she did that blog post.

So that happened and today we all wish the best for our friends and family in the path of Sandy!

Quilt Show Carpenters Wheel

Hi! I’ve got a little something here. Our local Quilt Show is happening. There’s lots to say and lots share. I took a few pictures that came out (not all) but for now I had to stop and share this one.

Since I just finished my flimsy, I thought you might enjoy seeing this variation of the Carpenters Wheel. I heart this quilt in a serious way. The border work is perfect. Just perfect.

If you click the picture and really look you can see how the block is built. It’s machine pieced with some HST’s. Totally interesting. For me, this quilt is why I go to the quilt show. To see pretty, interesting quilts. To learn. I just love that.