Category Archives: Little Quilts

Little Quilts – Four Finishes

Hi again. First, thank you for all the support re: my wrist and for understanding that replying to comments is sketchy on my part. I appreciate your notes but just know its difficult, not impossible, but difficult to reply.  Second, I had a pick-me-up the other day before I injured my wrist. This post was written last week.


Remember these?! You can find the pattern at Red Crinoline here. So much fun to make. The center block with frame is 6″ (so you have a point of reference). To get creative with the center element I copied blocks from the Cotton Club BOM to piece. Just so you don’t go thinking that center in the one below on was my idea. 


I disliked this red and green one until I picked it up. Quilting makes the Quilt! Check out how nicely that finishes at the bottom there. Incredible. The color thread tones down that stark contrast of the red and white.

Cheddar, I love you.

These are all 3″ Baptist Fans with 1/2″ spacing between each line. Incredible.


I have a pink and green thing. This might be my favorite.

PaulaBarnes4Save the best for last? This one was a crowd favorite.


I have a spot planned for these but everything is on hold. I’m getting an MRI and back to see the Orthopedic Surgeon next week. Maybe we’ll know something by then.


(PS: as an aside, I think its obvious I’m a Bonnie Blue/Red Crinoline fan. If you haven’t read their latest blog post – don’t miss it —-> here.


Oak Leaf and Reel, HST’s and more

test block.

Click all pics for close-up

I finished my Oak Leaf and Reel block. This was pretty cool to make and I learned a lot.  If you’re interested in some of the process there was a post here. Inspiration from Antique Quilts, Volume One, 2010. I’m working on my next Oak Leaf and Reel.  Its similar, same size but the leaves are different.

Last month I took a quick trip home to be with my Dad & Stepmom and had a great trip. It took me quite a bit of time to recover but when I did, I got hooked on HST’s. Look what happened…

Cotton Club Doll Quilt

Red Crinoline Quilts (formerly known as Bonnie Blue Quilts) does the best patterns, I tell ya. There are 72 HST’s in there and the whole piece finishes at 24 x 24. This was so much fun to make that I had to do another one because of Christmas and all.  You can see some of the other Christmas Through the Year participants if you click this post although the Mr. Linky isn’t up so you’ll need to peruse comments to find the links this month.

I busted open the bundle from a previous post [click here]. They’re old and I never could use that bundle because it was so pretty. Well I got over that.  I saved the yellows though. They’re really unique repro yellows and I thought I better save those for something special.  Of course, I think everything’s special so that’s not useful to say.  Anyway, I was having such fun I moved onto some red.

I changed up the 5″ center block here. That’s when you know you’re having fun!!! I dig it. I couldn’t figure out what to do with the border though. I took this to stitching and the gals voted for using the green (in the block) for the border. I’ve got to knock that out. I forgot that’s on the list.

The only one in this series that’s missing was cheddar. I mean how could I do that? I couldn’t. So here it is being prepped with Inklingo.

Speaking of missing, are you wondering where I’ve been?  Aww, no where.  After recovering from my quick trip, which took an inordinate amount of time, I got back to my life chores.  Then I started sewing again and, well, I just never could manage getting back into blogging. I’m getting a lot more accomplished I guess.  You know the deal. You know my situation. Enough said?

I finished reading this

and now I’m rereading this

I’m absolutely enjoying my visit with Tolstoy again. This is the only one of his novels I’ve read. Have you read anything by Tolstoy? It’s every bit as wonderful as I recall and really nothing like the movie because, well, it can’t be. He has so much to say about the culture and the people. His writing is wonderful.


I want to say a lot of things. About where I’ve been, what I’ve been doing and where I’m at today. I want to share a whole lot of things that have nothing to do with quilting. The thing is, quilting is the thing. Hopefully I’ll have a cheddar doll quilt and a baby quilt to share with you so until next time around…


Head is Over the Heels

I am head over heels in love with this setting! I’m not supposed to show this yet but I can’t contain myself.

First off, this is planned as a table runner. It needs border work which I haven’t decided on.  If you have ideas feel free to share. My personal thought is:  a little strip on the sides with something more detailed on the ends. Seems wide enough to me.

The general size is like 23″ish x 41.5″ish. I measured it while its hanging so that’s why the “ish”. Blocks are 4.5″ finished. Do you think that’s too big for a table? I really need your input here please.

This setting wasn’t my idea. No. It was shared with me by a friend, Sue Tierney, at Sit & Sew. It was a clipping out of an older Country Living magazine that she saved.  Isn’t it just gorgeous? Personally I think it can be a wall hanging if not a table runner.  It’s just stunning.  I can see some lovely quilting here, too.

It could be a quilt, too, but we’re not doing that today! 🙂

I hope you’re having a great time sewing and enjoying your fabric.

I’m kinda having some MS pain which I haven’t had in a long, long time. I’m told I need to rest. I interpret that as NO HOUSEWORK.  Yippie!  On the quilting front, I have to share with you… the new Moda Friendship for a Cause is begging to come into my house. You can see it here  if you haven’t already – the reds and browns are divine!  I had a funny discussion w/ my dad about fabric the other day.  To make a long story short, my dad commented on some fabric I was getting and said in the most tender, genuine voice “really? you need more fabric?” or something to that effect. He was very kind and not judgmental.  He was genuinely questioning how that could be possible.  I don’t even recall my reply.  I just know it was kinda silly and fun.  Seriously?  How could a quilter need EVEN MORE fabric?  I don’t know, dad, but this line is a must have! He needs a new horse and me, its fabric.