Monthly Archives: February 2012

Blue and White Flimsy

I can hardly believe it but I’m ready this month for Christmas Through the Year.

I’m really looking forward to sharing with everyone else and seeing what elfin’ magic is afoot! Click here to see the elves as they link-up. The whole process of creating for Christmas is so much more enjoyable as opposed to that last-minute business.

Here’s my first piece. It’s being quilted as we share. The outside piecework is flying geese which was fiddly to say the least. I think the entire piece is about 24.5″ but I can’t recall.  The blocks are 4.5″ finished and the flying geese are tiny but I didn’t measure when it was finished. I was kinda d.o.n.e. at that point.

I’m really pleased with the overall effect and feel the border work, together with the quilting, should really make this blue & white lovely gift. I know I’m going to be so excited as the giver. You know, that’s what has been so exciting. The giving is already ready. All the stress is relieved and I can just focus on that – the giving. Oh lordy be, bless the hearts of the folks that are getting gifts from Karen this year. She’s going to be exuberant this go-around.

I hope you’ve enjoyed my first little holiday gift giving post as much I have, thank you to Darlene and Cheryl for hosting and hope you have a delightful day!!!

Carpenters been at the Wheel

Latest carpenters wheel blocks are here to share. I need 6 for the next row but I’ve yet to select.

click for close up

I have the worse case of writers block. I’ve written this post something like 6 times so I’m going to be quick and just leave you with these pretty blocks. Do you see a favorite in the pile? I’d love to know.

Oh, I finally finished this one. It was a great read with a fantastic finish.

Have a great weekend and thanks for visiting!  *karendianne. who has much to say but can’t get it down.

Flat Out Busted!

I don’t ever allow this and under normal circumstances I would have put an end to it!


But gosh, I can’t bust her now can I? She’s so snuggly and sweet lying there getting her hair all over my stash.

Happy weekend y’all.  Spoil your cats!  *karendianne. – the woman who caved in to cuteness.