Category Archives: Bowties

Little Bits

How’s it going? How’s life treating you? What you up to? I have a little bits happening so I thought I’d share.

Monday was a bit orange. Wanda was diving into that color in a post you can read here so I went with it. There wasn’t much to my stash so I was bummed but still I pressed on with what you see here. Its possible this could turn into something since orange is actually one of my favorite colors but we’ll have to see. The main part of my stash, yellow-orange and burnt-orange aren’t really my thing but I can actually imagine something.


Tuesday was a bit of medical stuff and a bit of feeling ick and wouldn’t you know I woke up with that feeling again today but not bedridden so I pressed on with the day. The morning was a bit difficult but I managed to finish up #2 of the blue and white series. I think there needs to be a #3 for this to qualify as a series so I’ll have to get on that.

two of three

And this afternoon I wasn’t bouncing back so I got productive again. Sewing so helps. You don’t think about how you’re feeling physically and it works. If it doesn’t work I figure I need to be in bed but I’m here so we know how that turned out!  🙂

Cheddar Bow Ties block 9.5"

I don’t recall how many cheddar bow ties I have but I know it’s not enough for a lap quilt. It’s a good number though. Regardless, I thought it couldn’t hurt to start sewing a couple nine patch blocks together.

Here’s where my big share comes in. I did not square up those blocks until the end and I always square up my blocks, do you?

What made me “go for it?” Well, someone I know that is a highly skilled, experienced quilter that I super duper respect said she doesn’t bother in these situations. She’s good enough with the machine to sew a block even based on the seams then she’ll square it up at the end. I tried that. It worked. Just this once I tried it. I’ll have to see in the future. This sewing test was a major venture outside of my little sewing box.

Thank you for your kindness and friendship. Warmly,  *karendianne.

Sew Productive

Happy Monday! Are you ready for the week? I’m on a roll so I hope I can keep ahold of it a little longer. I’d like to continue getting some things accomplished.

Cotton Club Block 19

Most every set of blocks from the Cotton Club BOM seems to have a “favorite block” of mine & this one is it for me with this latest set. I want to increase the size and make more, I want to play with color and just go, go, go. Maybe later. That’s more distraction than I have time for at the moment.

Cheddar Bow Ties

The goal was 20 Bow Ties to add by this weekend but I’m short 5. That’s because I misplaced the five I had to re-sew. Where are those little buggers?

Strawberry Lemonade - 1

Love the lines! These are my Strawberry Lemonade HST’s (w/ Inklingo) before they made it into the blocks below:

Strawberry Lemonade - 2

And now I’m ready to make progress with Pink Lemonade. I’m also ready to make progress in a few other areas so I’ve got to make my priorities and get focused.

Thanks for the visit and I hope you have a great start to the week!  *karendianne.