Category Archives: Cheddar

Borders and a Sale

So you know now I’m getting into Watercolors. Oh y’all I have OMG so much to learn and dontcha know it, just like Quilting you need a few start up items. Pricey but I do have fabric.  Loads of it actually. So I thought I might start selling a bit of what I’m not ever going to use. Please see the Sale Items Tab at the top of my Blog, alongside Home – A Bit of My Work if you’re interested.

I actually have been doing some sewing.  What you’re seeing is my Carpenter’s Wheel quilt on my bed being analyzed. You know, where you look at our quilt and decide to stop or add. I’m realizing this quilt doesn’t need a border. It’s a fine size.

That’s nice but you know I want a border so I ended up going with the same fabric as the setting triangles.

It troubles me at first, all that cheddar.



So I thought a black stop border, just a tiny one. I unsewed and mocked it up.


And I visualized how that might look (you have to use your imagination here)


Once I looked at that 6.5″ border I realized this would be just fine w/o that black stop border. Perfect really. Then something came up and this is as far as I got but the borders are cut thanks to the kindness of a friend.


An Alabama Beauty Block (or two)

Hi there. Little bit of progress over here. Lots of happenings. I’ll skip the happenings and share the fabric.

I’ve got one of the Alabama Beauty blocks (a favorite) in cheddar and navy blue whipped up. This was NOT hand pieced. I tell ya, I make an effort with hand piecing but it’s just not happening. I can do a little bit but it’s not enjoyable. Either it’s uncomfortable or I just don’t enjoy it. Go figure? I was so passionate about it but maybe I’ve just accepted the current state.

Good thing I’m able to machine piece because then I wouldn’t even be here – at all and while I can’t decide what to do about my blog or blogging or even with my life – at least I can machine piece an Alabama Beauty block. I can share that.

What really struck me here was how incredibly cool that navy and cheddar print looks. I hope it views nicely for you. It’s really pretty neat.


Sadly, I can’t find where I put that cheddar toile. I did some fussy printing with it if you look close but actually it’s hard to see so I don’t know why I mention it except I’d like to do more. Thing is, I can’t find the fabric.  It’s in one of those places that’s very special and you know you won’t forget…but you do!

Thanks for taking the time to drop in. I really appreciate the visit.

