Category Archives: Inspiration

Stunning Star Quilt

“Ancient Stars” by Jean Rock. This won Best In Show in 2007


Source: Quilts from the Village Show 2009 by IamSusie, via Flickr – (click on quilt picture to go to link).

This quilt is a gentle reminder that I just play quilter.  In my imagination I’d like to be a person that could make this though.


Continuing to work towards feeling better. I have an unexpected outing tomorrow… hope I hold up! I’ll be some distance from the house and don’t want to do that whole MS “hit the wall” fatigue thing. If need be I guess I’ll just pull over into a shopping center and nap for everyone’s safety.

Intriguing Hexagons —> got a few votes for the red, top left #1 and I think another one that’s caught my eye. Thanks for casting your vote. If you haven’t yet, there’s still time. I’d love to see what you think…


Intriguing Hexagons

Hi. I hope the weekend was enjoyable for you. I’m writing this feeling like I have a bit of a cold which fits since it’s been chilly here. As a matter of fact many of us Floridian’s are frozen people. I even covered up my rose-bush. It has new baby growth and I wanted to care for it. A friend gave it to me so I think it has special powers!!!


Diamonds 60′ – 1.5″

Inside, under the hot lights, there’s always quilting. Linda Franz / Inklingo came out with new 60′ Diamonds for download.


Hexagons 60′ – 1.5″

She combined shapes in the new diamond shape collection with the shapes in the hexagon shape collection. I have to say this is pretty fun! I love how she comes up with these designs and shares them. Check out the Inklingo blog –>>> All About Inklingo to read more.

I was also thinking what a killer sampler this would make and I’m not even into samplers. I am into test blocks though. What do you think? Have a favorite? Pick one and I’ll piece it for fun. Leave a comment with your vote!


Various Talents of Friends

Yesterday was a sew day and friends, I brought my camera.

Ruth is working on this wool project. I love the variety of threads she using. As you probably know, often you’ll see this work with all black thread but here she’s matching and/or highlighting. To my eye, this is nothing but pretty.

Here we have a classic finish by Klasina. This pattern is contagious and shared between many of the quilters. I’m enjoying watching that. The sharing of inspiration. Its just like what we bloggers do. We catch lots of stuff, don’t we?

I have to share this with you for a couple of reasons. It’s just pretty. Very pretty. Classic. My heart loves cross stitch but…nope. The other reason to share is Carol. She’s the gal working on this. I tell ya, she has the most wonderful energy. I just love her. She is just one of those people. She’s a retired school teacher. I’ll bet she was an awesome teacher – you just get that feeling. You know, I’ve known her sister-in-law since I started quilting and she’s always been good to me. I reckon that whole family is just good people.

As a quick aside, I woke up yesterday and the pain I’ve been having was cut by like 75%. That’s a huge, sudden decline/remission. 108 x 108 huge!!! It’s cool to experience the truth that with God “all things are possible.”