The Rack!

Happy New Year! Today I’m sharing my very first quilt rack. It was purchased on an outing with some treasured friends. I’ll really remember that day. Lunch and the outing. The friends. Kind of a special group of ladies to tell you the truth.

Kanga got this really neat aged bin/bucket [not shown] but as I haven’t done the slightest thing to make it snuggly for her she thinks its useless and I should talk to the paw! Such attitude this one.

Later in the month when my birthday arrived a group of my friends and I spent the day together sewing.  What a delight that was. Lunch and stitching and balloons and omg cake!  It was just the best. A great way to wrap up the year.

And starting this New Year I’ll be with Lori and the gals working on the quilt-along in addition to one other little thing I hope to share soon but as a hint… Rose Marie and Janet and Miriam will all be so pleased I’m applying some determination!

*karendianne. who sometimes has to end messages in code for undisclosed reasons.

23 thoughts on “The Rack!

  1. Miriam

    Ohh, that is a great quilt rack!

    Kanga is cute!

    A belated Happy Birthday!!! 🙂

    OK…time to spill the beans….how did you go???? Lol

  2. LoriD

    I don’t like the whole code thing, as it makes me feel left out:(
    OK, Kanga is a hoot!! Love your new quilt rack too. Nice to have fun memories attached to something in our home.

  3. Teresa

    I just love love love your sunflower block. Nicely done! Quilt racks are great to have around and the quilt you show on yours in one of my favorites.

  4. Mrs. Goodneedle

    The quilt rack is absolutely beautiful. I have a very funny story about my first quilt rack, too long to write here; I may post about it. Stay tuned. Kanga is a rascal!

  5. AnnieO

    Love the quilt rack–looks like a nice compact size but can still hold two quilts. Hmm, a cat with attitude? Go figure!

    Happy, happy belated birthday. Sorry I missed it!

  6. quiltsalottJanet

    Oh Happy belated birthday! It sounds like you had fun with friends, that’s awesome. Love the new quilt rack.
    I’ll be looking forward to some show and tell, I think you’ve been determined and it may have paid off.

  7. Mare

    Great quilt rack, and the paw is so stinkin adorable I’d talk to it any time at all! happy new year sweetest of all Ladys!!!

  8. Mare

    Happy New Year sweetest Lady Lee! I love the quilt rack! and the paw is so adorable that I’d talk to it anytime at all.

  9. Jennifer

    Best wishes for 2012! Now that is one gorgeous quilt rack, I have been hinting for some time but are the hints being taken……no. We have a kitty with attitude too, better not let her near Kanga or they will give each other ideas! I think I may have cracked your code too but my lips are sealed. Zipped. Stuck together…..mmmfffff……

  10. Nicole

    I have fond memories of my first quilt rack too. I was visiting my sister in Wisconsin and she took me to an Amish furniture store. They had a gorgeous solid oak quilt rack for $60. Of course I had to have it. They were practically giving it away. We got it in the car and back to her house when it dawned on me that I had to get it home to California somehow. We packed it in a huge box and took it to the airport, where I checked it in as oversized luggage. It cost $80 to fly it home! More than the cost of the quilt rack. I don’t care. I have it and I love it!

  11. Terry

    Nice quilt rack! I need to get another one…or stop making quilts! And that’s not happening! LOL The picture of Kanga reminds me of Emily. Half the time when I try to take a picture of her, all I get is her hand! LOL

  12. quiltobsession

    Wow – I’m seeing yet another design to the Alabama Beauty quilt as it’s shown on your rack! It’s giving me ideas. LOL
    Please tell Kanga that we’d appreciate it if she didn’t teach Baxter that “talk to the paw” trick!
    I think I’ve broken your code but shall keep it to myself — codes are for a reason! 😉

  13. dawn

    Nice quilt rack what a beautiful quilt too. Extra special with the memories attached. Love talking to the paw lol
    Im joining Loris little quilt along too!!
    Great fun!!

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