Category Archives: Quilt Rack

The Rack!

Happy New Year! Today I’m sharing my very first quilt rack. It was purchased on an outing with some treasured friends. I’ll really remember that day. Lunch and the outing. The friends. Kind of a special group of ladies to tell you the truth.

Kanga got this really neat aged bin/bucket [not shown] but as I haven’t done the slightest thing to make it snuggly for her she thinks its useless and I should talk to the paw! Such attitude this one.

Later in the month when my birthday arrived a group of my friends and I spent the day together sewing.  What a delight that was. Lunch and stitching and balloons and omg cake!  It was just the best. A great way to wrap up the year.

And starting this New Year I’ll be with Lori and the gals working on the quilt-along in addition to one other little thing I hope to share soon but as a hint… Rose Marie and Janet and Miriam will all be so pleased I’m applying some determination!

*karendianne. who sometimes has to end messages in code for undisclosed reasons.