Category Archives: Quilting

Stunning Star Quilt

“Ancient Stars” by Jean Rock. This won Best In Show in 2007


Source: Quilts from the Village Show 2009 by IamSusie, via Flickr – (click on quilt picture to go to link).

This quilt is a gentle reminder that I just play quilter.  In my imagination I’d like to be a person that could make this though.


Continuing to work towards feeling better. I have an unexpected outing tomorrow… hope I hold up! I’ll be some distance from the house and don’t want to do that whole MS “hit the wall” fatigue thing. If need be I guess I’ll just pull over into a shopping center and nap for everyone’s safety.

Intriguing Hexagons —> got a few votes for the red, top left #1 and I think another one that’s caught my eye. Thanks for casting your vote. If you haven’t yet, there’s still time. I’d love to see what you think…



One day, in a galaxy, far, far away… and not so long ago I was hanging out and chatting with a friend. I don’t even know what we were talking about but the above quilt came up. Specifically the focus was on the wide binding. I was intrigued. “Wide binding” I thought.  “What must that do to the quilt visually?” I had to see it! I asked if she would bring it to Sit-and-Sew.

Gosh what a charming quilt. It’s all snuggly and just the right colorway.  Wide binding really works on the right quilt. It adds the perfect element of interest here. It’s not too much. It’s not bulky. It catches your eye but in an ever so subtle way. It works well here balanced with the inner border. Classic lines. I thought you might appreciate seeing this.  Possibly you haven’t thought of this before or maybe you have? Maybe you’ll think of giving this a try?

The math is a 6″ wide cut for your binding and fold in half. Sew to the quilt with a 1″ seam, apply as usual.  That’s the ticket to make it work. One inch!


While we’re on the subject of binding, I’ve taken up the tip from Debbie (click here) for basting your binding in place.  I can tell already this is going to be easier on my hands which brings me to….

The Good News. I’m really starting to recover the wrist strain. Yeah!!! Cutting is still painful and I’m not up to speed yet but by golly I can do a bit of machine sewing and hand-piecing. So I’m about off restriction and ready to be let loose on y’all. How about you, have any good news to share? I’m gonna random generate a number and grab a gallon ziplock bag of my nicely sized CW backgrounds/shirting scraps for you if you care to share some good news. I don’t know how long until I pull that number but maybe a few days.


Nice to be here with you, sharing and close to all healed up!

The Rack!

Happy New Year! Today I’m sharing my very first quilt rack. It was purchased on an outing with some treasured friends. I’ll really remember that day. Lunch and the outing. The friends. Kind of a special group of ladies to tell you the truth.

Kanga got this really neat aged bin/bucket [not shown] but as I haven’t done the slightest thing to make it snuggly for her she thinks its useless and I should talk to the paw! Such attitude this one.

Later in the month when my birthday arrived a group of my friends and I spent the day together sewing.  What a delight that was. Lunch and stitching and balloons and omg cake!  It was just the best. A great way to wrap up the year.

And starting this New Year I’ll be with Lori and the gals working on the quilt-along in addition to one other little thing I hope to share soon but as a hint… Rose Marie and Janet and Miriam will all be so pleased I’m applying some determination!

*karendianne. who sometimes has to end messages in code for undisclosed reasons.